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A Step-by-Step Seller's Guide

Selling your home can be a stressful process, especially if you don't know what to expect.  With the help of an experienced agent and this easy-to-follow guide the process can be a smooth one.  Following these steps will lead you to the best outcome when selling your home.


Step 1: Making the decision to sell your home

Your home is part of your identity. Understanding why you are selling and where you are going is different for everyone.

Do you want to make a certain amount of money that you can put toward a larger or nicer home? Do you need to sell as soon as possible to facilitate a move to a new city? Once you understand your needs, we can craft a plan for moving forward. Change is constant in life, but selling your home does not need to be met with uncertainty and anxiety. My ability to listen to your needs and guide you to your goals will provide you with assurance and stability.


Step 2: Preparing your home

Once you’ve made the decision to sell it’s time to start getting your home ready for potential buyers. This will include decluttering, depersonalizing, and making repairs to assure that buyers can envision themselves living in the space. Tending to items that will bring you a return on your investment are often small and do not require a lot of time or money. I will advise on the specifics to elevate your home.


Step 3: Pricing Your Home

Knowing how to price your home is the most important part of the selling process. Marketing aside, if your home is not priced correctly nothing else matters. From the day you go on the market, pricing your home correctly will bring you the most interest from buyers and agents alike. And, in turn, lead to your home selling for its highest market value. Overpricing your home will lead to reduced interest, prolonged days on the market, and price reductions, and… in the end… your home will sell for less than it would have sold for had it been priced correctly. We will work together to determine the right selling price for your home.


Step 4: Marketing your home

I will develop a marketing strategy that is tailored to your home. The process begins by listing the home on the global market and driving the right people to that listing through social media campaigns, agent-to-agent referrals, traditional media, and digital advertising. Capturing the audience from Day 1 is key.

Marketing is simple and launching the appropriate marketing tools for your home will generate immediate attention, showings, prospects, buyers, and offers. And so the process begins…


Step 5: Offers

Receiving an offer is an exciting part of the process, and no matter the offer it should be perceived as a compliment. When a buyer takes the time and effort to submit an offer chances are they’ve spent months (often years) planning for this moment. This is an exciting time for them as well.

I will evaluate each offer and make sure the party making the offer is qualified. This will include their ability to obtain financing, offer terms, timeline, and motivation. If there are items that you want to change or negotiate (including price) you can respond with a counteroffer.

When the parties come together on all terms the contract is signed and we “open escrow.”


Step 6: in Escrow

You have accepted an offer and are now very close to the end of your selling journey. But first, you and the buyer will have a list of duties that need to be done before closing. In some cases, your home may need to be formally inspected, surveyed, and appraised. At times, repairs will need to be made before the house can close. Many documents need to be read and signed and monies will be collected as due. Adding the process of selling a home to your busy lives can be overwhelming. I will oversee the process and make sure everything is in order by the closing date.


Step 7: Moving

Most sellers live in the properties they are selling and moving out is the end of the journey. Moving can be a stressful and emotional time. It is time-consuming and, no doubt, exhausting. I will help with all aspects of moving to make your life easier. From connecting you with moving companies, junk removal, and donation services to reminding you to “disconnect” your utilities I will help you make the journey to your new destination.


Step 8: Close

You’ve reached the last step in the seller’s process. When you close on a home you are selling, you are legally transferring ownership of the property to the new buyer. I will meet with the company closing the transaction to sign the final paperwork and go over any issues that have not yet been taken care of. During this time, you can also make plans with your REALTOR to handle final details such as canceling utilities, cable, and lawn or trash services, changing the name on accounts that the new owner is retaining and ensuring the new owner has instructions for all appliances that will remain in the home.

Congratulations... You're Closed!

People often ask me if I think it’s a good time to sell. My response is always the same. If it’s a good time for you, it’s a good time to sell. Trying to time the market to only sell when the market is high and only buy when the market is low is something that even the most savvy investors can’t do.  
If it is the right time for you, it’s the right time to sell. Period. What are you waiting for?

Work With Heidi

Change is constant in life, but it doesn't need to be met with uncertainty and anxiousness. My ability to listen to your needs, and guide you on how to achieve your goals , will provide you with a calm and trusted experience.